5 Things To Look For In A Wedding Planner
When you are considering hiring a wedding planner, there are many factors to consider! You'll be spending a lot of time talking to, emailing, and meeting with your planner over the next 12 months or more, so you'll want to make a good decision when selecting your wedding planner. What should you look for? Here are five things to look for in a wedding planner.
Victoria and Ryan, Hammock Dunes Wedding Palm Coast
Brooke and Cameron, The Glass Factory Wedding, Jacksonville, FL
Amber and Andrew, Hammock Dunes Club Wedding, Palm Coast

Six Things to Consider When Selecting a Wedding Venue
Paige and Wes, TPC Sawgrass Wedding Ponte Vedra Beach
Abby and Carl - The Barn at Cottonwood Ranch Wedding
Amy Marie Artistry https://www.instagram.com/amymarieartistry_ | Anything With Plants http://www.anythingwithplants.com | Bliss Cakery https://www.instagram.com/bliss_cakery | Bread and Butter Band https://breadandbutterband.com | First Coast Ceremonies https://www.firstcoastceremonies.com | Handmade Rentals https://handmaderentals.com | Kristi Gilbert https://www.instagram.com/kgilbert_stylist | PJ's Catering https://jaxcaterer.com | Seanikk Views https://seanikkviewsphotography.mypixieset.com | The Barn at Cottonwood Ranch https://www.barnatcottonwoodranch.com
Happy 20th Anniversary, First Coast Weddings and Events!
Is Your Wedding Protected?
Did you know that you can purchase insurance for your wedding? YES, you can! Here is a short video from our friends at The Wedding Protector Plan about the types of coverage available.
Information To Include On Your RSVP Card
Why Your DJ Should Pick Your Wedding Music
Brooke and Dan - Casa Marina Wedding, Jacksonville Beach
I was very hesitant to get a day of coordinator and I would completely recommend one if you are debating it. I reached out to First Coast 45 days before my wedding and it was absolutely worth every penny. Heather and Laura were fantastic and took all of the pressure and planning off of me and my family the day of the wedding. They were very easy to reach if I needed them and communicated multiple times to make sure everything went the way that I wanted it. Thank you again, I couldn't imagine my wedding without your help.
- Brooke
Vendors: Casa Marina http://casamarinahotel.com | Stephanie W. Photography http://stephaniew.com | Feather and Bloom http://featherandbloomflorals.com | McGee Entertainment https://mcgeeentertainment.com | Sarina Durden http://www.sarinadurden.com | Publix http://publix.com
Morgan and Marshall - TPC Sawgrass Wedding, Ponte Vedra Beach
Vendors: TPC Sawgrass https://tpc.com/sawgrass/weddings | Melissa Wright http://www.melissawrightphoto.com | Petit Four Films https://www.petitfourfilms.com | Lori Parker Floral Studios https://www.loriparkerfloralstudios.com | Generation Y Entertainment https://www.generationyentertainment.com | Classic Cakes https://www.instagram.com/classiccakes100
Jennifer and Roger - The Manor at 12 Oaks Wedding, Green Cove Springs
Vendors: The Manor at 12 Oaks https://themanor12oaks.com | Anthony's Gourmet Catering http://www.anthonysgourmetcatering.com | The Unbridled Bar https://www.divinespiritsbartending.com | K White Photographs https://www.kwhitephotographs.com | Audie John Productions https://audiejohn.com | Anything With Plants https://anythingwithplants.com | Footloose Entertainment https://www.footlooseentertainment.com | 4Rivers Specialty Cakes https://www.4rsmokehouse.com/catering/jacksonville | Studio Bride https://www.studiobrideartistry.com | Tracey Upson MUA http://www.traceyupsonbridal.com | All About Events https://www.allabouteventsjax.com | Good Dough https://www.gooddoughdoughnuts.com
Haley and Brandon - Jacksonville Golf and Country Club Wedding
Vendors: Jacksonville Golf & Country Club https://www.jaxgcc.com | Christine Austin Photography https://christineaustinphotography.com | Lori Parker Floral Studios https://www.loriparkerfloralstudios.com | Footloose Entertainment https://www.footlooseentertainment.com | Studio Bride https://www.studiobrideartistry.com
Taylor and Emmanuel - TPC Sawgrass Wedding, Ponte Vedra Beach
Vendors: TPC Sawgrass https://tpc.com/sawgrass/weddings | Nativ Lens http://nativlens.com
NAS Visuals https://www.nasvisuals.com | Rose of Sharon http://roseofsharonflorist.net | Y? Entertainment http://yentertainmentdjs.com | Classic Cakes https://www.instagram.com/classiccakes100 | Paulina Perez http://paulinaperez.com | East Coast Transportation http://ectjax.com | iPhotobooth https://i-photobooth.com
Mallory and Jacob - Hammock Dunes Club Wedding, Palm Coast
Vendors: Hammock Dunes Club http://hammockdunesclub.com | Stout Studios http://stoutphoto.com | Jade Violet Wedding Floral Boutique http://jadevioletweddingfloral.com | Party Solution Entertainment https://www.partysolutionent.com | Sarina Durden Beauty http://www.sarinadurden.com
Rebecca and Alex - Jacksonville Golf and Country Club Wedding
Vendors: Jacksonville Golf & Country Club https://www.jaxgcc.com | C&C Captures https://candccaptures.mypixieset.com | St Johns Flower Market http://stjohnsflowermarket.com | McGee Entertainment https://mcgeeentertainment.com | Ann Eastwick https://anneastwick.com | Studio Bride https://www.studiobrideartistry.com | Chic Booth https://chic-booth.com
Final Detail Meetings and Venue Walk Throughs
You’ve spent months (maybe years!) planning your wedding, and you have thousands of details floating around in your mind. The final detail meeting and venue walk through is the perfect time to review those details and be sure that you have communicated them to your team of wedding pros. Let’s take a look at the final detail meeting/venue walk through.