Incorporating Pets Into Your Wedding

photo by Christina Karst from Alison and Brian’s 2019 wedding

photo by Christina Karst from Alison and Brian’s 2019 wedding

For many of us, pets are part of our family - and we want our fur babies with us on our wedding day! Here are some ideas to incorporate your pets into the festivities.


If you'd like have photos taken with your dogs on the wedding day, first check with your venue to see what they allow. Once you have their approval, enlist a friend or hire a pet sitter to pick up your pooch and bring them to the wedding site at a specific time. This will cause less stress for your pet, and for you! One the photos have been taken, your dogs should be taken home rather than remaining during the reception. (Most venues can't allow pets inside unless they are service animals.) 

If your pets aren't super well behaved, incorporating them into your engagement photos may be a better idea. Talk it over with your photographer in advance to come up with a game plan, and have a friend on deck to assist.

Ring bearer

Having your dog serve as ring bearer sounds like a cute idea, but remember that animals can be unpredictable! Be sure your pet takes a walk just prior to the ceremony to avoid any bathroom issues during the processional. And have a groomsmen or older child (one that knows the dog) escort him or her down the aisle.

Cake topper

Etsy has cute options to purchase a silhouette style cake topper that can incorporate all the members of the family. You can even have your last name added! Check out this listing on Etsy for a cute example.

Photo cut out

If your pets aren't able to attend the wedding, have a photo cardboard cut out made to "pose" with during the day. This works especially well for smaller animals like cats, or animals that may not handle large crowds well. Check out this listing on Etsy for inspiration!


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