Changing Your Last Name Is Not Always So Easy!

The world seems to be getting smaller and smaller these days, and with how easy traveling abroad has become, it is no wonder that many future brides and grooms are meeting and falling in love over seas. Many engaged couples are living in America under the Green Card status, in hopes to apply for Citizenship some day. If the bride is not an American Citizen, and is living in the United States under a Green Card, changing surnames is not so easy, and involves many steps. The first step to take once the bride is officially married is to contact immigration and have immigration update the Green Card with the new marital surname (this could take some weeks). Once you have verification from immigration, the bride can then go to the Social Security Office to change the surname under the social security number and then head to the DMV to change surnames on the driver’s license. Once the name change is complete on all important documents, changing surnames on credit cards and bank statements should be a breeze!

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