Tuesday Tips: Post-Bridal Show Organization

Hopefully, you attended Sunday's bridal show at the UNF University Center.  And hopefully, you left with a giant bag full of information.  So now what? I'm guilty myself. Especially at the home and garden shows.  I come home with all these great brochures and then they sit there, still in the bag, for a couple months until I throw the whole thing out without even looking at it again.

Let's start by sorting.  Hopefully sometime this week, while everything is fresh in your mind!  Pull out the brochures and postcards and flyers for the companies that really stood out in your mind.  That stack is priority number one.  Check out these companies' websites, or call to set up a meeting.

The next stack is for services you still need.  If you've already booked your photographer, throw out all of those brochures.  Even if you don't think you'll need a particular service, keep that brochure in the stack. You never know!

Now sub-divide pile #2 into the services you are currently looking for and those that you might need or ones you will focus on later.  For example, you need a cake but haven't booked your venue yet; put the cake brochures in a "later" pile.

Anything that is left and doesn't fit into any of these categories, throw away!  Eliminate as much clutter as possible in your wedding binder or file.  The exception: see if there are any photos you can use for inspiration, and clip them out.

Hopefully these tips will help you sort through the post-bridal-show chaos!

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Tuesday Tips: Addressing and Mailing Your Wedding Invitations


Your wedding invitation is the first impression your guests will receive and sets the tone for your wedding!  After you've spent hours choosing just the right design and wording, don't spoil it buy having less-than-impressive envelopes!

  • Consult an etiquette book for proper addressing structure.
  • Invitations should always be hand-addressed.
  • Consider numbering your guest list and put the same number on the back of the response card; this way, if someone doesn't write their name on the card you will know whose it is!
  • Invitations should be mailed out six to eight weeks before the wedding.

Don't underestimate the value of calligraphy!  If you choose to hire a calligrapher, consider these tips:

  • Be sure to book your calligrapher as soon as possible, as many of the best book up far in advance.
  • Include extra envelopes, just in case of a mistake, ink blot, etc.
  • Give your calligrapher a typed list to ensure all names are spelled correctly.  Include the formal names for the outer envelope, and the less formal names for the inner envelopes.
  • Also ask your calligrapher about creating escort cards, seating charts, and other wedding accessories.

For more calligraphy and addressing advice, check out our friend Cami Franklin's website! She is one of the top calligraphers in North Florida and is extremely knowledgeable.

Photo from the The Personal Touch, Calligraphy By Cami blog

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Longest Married Couple Offers Advice


Coming up on Sunday, the world's longest-married couple will answer relationship questions via Twitter!  You have until Friday, February 12th to submit questions to @LongestMarried, and 14 questions will be chosen and answered on Valentine's Day. Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher were married in 1924.  According to Mashable.com, "The couple, who enjoy hanging on their front porch, watching trains pass by, counting cars and talking to their neighbors, are apparently the model of wedded bliss. They each have their own bedroom — so Herbert can stay up late watching baseball. Well, I guess distance does makes the heart grow fonder."

To read more about Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, check out this article on the AARP website recognizing their Guinness World Record.

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Tuesday Tips: The First Dance

The first dance is a special way to represent the bride's and groom's new relationship.  However, having 100 pairs of eyes staring at you as sway on the dance floor may more than a bit nerve-wracking.  Here are some tips to ease the stress:

  • Don't dance to the whole song; ask your band or DJ to play only 2 minutes of the song.
  • Schedule at least one professional dance lesson so that you are comfortable dancing together.  Learn how to lead and follow, which foot to step with first, and other basics.
  • Start practicing a few months before the wedding (not the week of the wedding!).
  • Make sure your band or DJ has the same version of the song that you have been practicing with.  If  there is any doubt, give them a copy of the CD.
  • If you plan to choreograph your dance, be sure to keep your wedding dress in mind.  There may be a lot of added weight and fabric for your new husband to dance around!

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Destination Wedding Budget Tips

Planning a destination wedding may sound extravagant,  but there are lots of ways to save money too!  Here are some tips for planning a wedding, either out of the state or out of the country.
  • When you are looking at locations and packages, be sure that the total includes airfare.  Tickets for air travel can easily add $1,000 or more to your total price, depending on your destination.
  • Hire a local wedding planner to avoid problems.  Check with the Association of Bridal Consultants for members in your wedding destination.
  • Find out when the off-season is in your destination.  There can be significant savings on flights and hotels during non-peak times.
  • Don't shop for a "wedding" dress.  Look at evening gowns in a department store for great alternatives.

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Free Photos for a Good Cause

Photographer Ezra Ayala (http://www.ezramarcos.com) is doing something wonderful on Sunday!  He's offering free 15 minute photo shoots in exchange for a donation to help the people of Haiti. Here are the details from his blog:
So this is the deal. From 10am until it gets too dark, on Sunday, January the 24th, I'm booking 15 minute photo sessions in front of Anomaly (1021 Park Street - 5 Points). No appointment needed...I'm taking walk-ins! All you have to do is write a check to the Yele Foundation or UNICEF (any amount...just give!)...I'll have stamped envelopes already addressed to Yele or UNICEF...we'll put the check in the envelopes...and then give you the envelope...yes, we're using the honor system...you'll be responsible for mailing the check! During that process, we'll get your contact info so that we can deliver your images! Pets are welcomed!

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Tuesday Tips: Getting Moms Involved

We are often asked how to include both your mom and your future mother-in-law in your wedding plans.  Here are some fun and easy tips:

  • If both moms live close by, or will be in town at the same time, plan a girls' shopping day.  Have lunch at a nice bistro, then shop for both moms' wedding attire.
  • Include both in wedding plans by asking if there are cultural or family traditions that should be added to the ceremony or reception
  • Ask your mom for "something old" and his mom for "something borrowed" for the wedding day.  This is another great way to include family heirlooms!

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Tuesday Tips: Flooring 101

One often-overlooked wedding item is flooring.  Whether you need to rent a dance floor or build an entire "room" using a tent, here are some things to think about:

  • If you are putting a dance floor on grass or another uneven surface, you will need a plywood sub-floor underneath it.  Be sure to ask your rental company to include this in their quote, because it will affect your price!
  • If you are laying a dance floor on a smooth, uneven surface (such as stone), you may need carpet underneath to keep it from moving around.
  • Tent flooring can make any surface level! Work closely with your rental or event design company to design a space that works for you.
  • Ask you venue about any special requirements well in advance, preferably before signing a contract.

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Bridal Show Tips

It's here: Bridal Show Season. If you are newly engaged, bridal shows can be a great way to start your planning!  Not only can you see great new ideas and hot trends, you can meet with 80-100 wedding professionals in one location.  There are two major bridal shows in North Florida this month, and a FABULOUS show in February.  Okay, I'm a little biased, because I co-produce the February show!

Here are some tips for attending any wedding show:

  • Pre-register if you can.  Often, there will be a discounted admission if you register online, plus you can skip the hassle when you arrive.  Registering will qualify you for some awesome prizes at the show!
  • Have pre-printed labels with your name, address, email, phone number, and wedding date.
  • Bring your schedule (calendar, Blackberry, iPhone) with you - you may want to schedule meetings with vendors right away!
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions!  The pros you meet do weddings all the time, but they know that this is you're a novice.  There are no dumb questions.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.  You will do quite a bit of walking and be on your feet for 2-3 hours.
  • Grooms can have fun too!  Most shows have a wide variety of food and cakes to sample.

The Wedding Party will be at the Ultimate Bridal Fantasy on Sunday, January 17th and at Jacksonville Bridal Connection on Sunday, February 21st.  Drop by for complimentary tickets to both show!

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Tuesday Tips: Setting The Date

So you're engaged.  Now what?!

Your first instinct may be to pick a date.  It's not a bad place to start, but there are lots of factors that can affect that date.

Some couples have a special date that is significant to their relationship, and nothing is more important than that date. These couples may need to be a little more flexible on location, budget, or guest list.  For others, they simply must have 350 people on their guest list - here in Jacksonville, that means that their venue options are a bit limited.  If an oceanfront wedding is most important, the couple may want to think about a Friday or Sunday wedding if they choose a popular venue.

So where do you start?  Try setting your priorities by numbering these items from 1 (most important) to 10 (least important):

  • Time of year / day of week
  • Officiant or ceremony location
  • Guest list emphasis – family or friends
  • Food and drink
  • Music
  • Reception location
  • Attire
  • Flowers and décor
  • Photography and videography)
  • Other

Once you have a list of your priorities, you can look at your budget and decide how much to spend in each area based on its rank.

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Farewell, 2009


It's been an amazing year here at First Coast Weddings and Events.  As we say farewell to 2009, here is a look back at a few of our amazing brides and grooms that were married this year.

Photography credits, clockwise from top left: Agnes Lopez Photography, Photography by Nikki, La Dolce Vita Studio, Photography By Nikki, Kris Graham Photography

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Lessons From Emily Post


"Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor." - Emily Post

For Christmas, I received not one, but six copies of Emily Post's Etiquette.  The six editions range from 1940 to 1965, and surprisingly didn't change all that much during those years. Here are a few highlights from the 1940 edition:

Manners for Motorists: Drink and Driving

"It is unnecessary to emphasize the menace of the drunken driver; certainly there is nothing to be said in his defense, nor can anyone want him to escape the full penalty of the law."

New Aspect of Hospitality: An Obligation to the Servants

"The kitchen should be returned to its rightful tenant, the cook, in just as good order as it was turned over to the family when she went out.  The same is true of the pantry and even the dining room."

The Day of the Wedding: The Wedding Dress

"It is always proper for a bride to wear a white dress and veil, no matter in what season of the year the wedding is held.  It may be of any white material, satin, brocade, velvet. chiffon, or entirely of lace.  It may be embroidered with pearls, crystals or silver; or it may be as plain as a slip-cover.  It may be anything in fact that the bride fancies, and may be made in whatever fashion or period she chooses."

I'll be featuring random passages occasionally on the blog - if there are any topics of interest to you, please post a comment!

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Spotlight: Apron's Cooking School

Too often, I hear about couples that let wedding planning overwhelm their lives.  I've mentioned it on the blog before, but I have a quote on my office wall that says, "Now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." (quote by Guillaume Apollinaire)

What better way to spend time together as a couple than cooking!  Here in Jacksonville, we are lucky enough to have an Apron's Cooking School at the Publix at San Jose and I-295.  You might think "cooking school" sounds boring, but these chefs are anything but.  From the Publix website:

Whether you're a brand-new beginner or an experienced cook wanting to expand your repertoire, we have classes that you'll find entertaining and informative. Renowned chefs, authors, cooking celebrities and restaurant chefs make the culinary arts accessible and fun. Some classes focus on certain cuisines or cooking techniques, others center on topics such as desserts or holidays. We also offer deliciously entertaining gourmet food and wine tastings, and cooking classes just for kids and teens.

Some examples of classes coming up in January are:

  • Couples Cooking: New Year's Lifestyle
  • Brazilian Steakhouse
  • Wines of Monterey
  • Date Night Pizza
  • Havana Nights

Some classes are demonstration-style, where you watch the chefs prepare food for you to sample, while other classes are hands-on.  Most classes include wine pairings and 3-5 courses (appetizer, soup/salad, entree, dessert).

Our local chapter of the National Association of Catering Executives has had several luncheon meetings at Apron's, and the food is always amazing!  So next time you are looking for a fun date night, check out the Publix website.

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A Touch of Teal


The city of Jacksonville will be bathed in teal tonight as our Jacksonville Jaguars take on the Indianapolis Colts.  And since I have teal on the brain, I thought I would share some pretty inspiration boards from around the web:

From Snippet and Ink

From Lucky In Love Wedding Blog


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Spotlight: Loft 9


This post is a shameless plug for two of my favorite people: Kimtasha Armstrong and Casey Powell. These two lovely ladies are always my first two calls when a bride is looking for a hair stylist and a makeup artist.  They show up on time and make our brides look AMAZING - and they were both just named to Jacksonville Magazine's Best of 2009.

Even more exciting is that these incredible ladies now share a studio space - Loft 9 in San Marco.  If you haven't seen The Lofts San Marco, it's the former South Jacksonville Grammar School built in 1916.  The building is gorgeous, and it's event list on the National Register of Historic Places.  The large windows let in tons of light, perfect for a salon! (Of course, I'm even more excited because Casey happens to be my personal hair stylist as well as a great wedding industry friend!)

Agnes Lopez Photography

One of our beautiful brides, Lauren, made even more stunning by Casey and Kimtasha!

photo by Agnes Lopez

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Peggy Post: Wedding Etiquette


Heather and I recently attended the Association of Bridal Consultants’ annual conference in Indianapolis.  We met a lot of great people, and attended some very informative classes.  One of the highlights of the conference for me was meeting Peggy Post. That’s right, Peggy Post, the great-granddaughter-in-law of Emily Post – etiquette guru!

I attended two of Peggy’s sessions at the conference, and learned some really interesting things about etiquette and how it changes between cultures and over time.

One thing that really stuck out to me was that the giving of a thank you gift can differ between cultures.  The type of gift, when to give it, when to open it, and the appropriate way to reciprocate the gift can all vary depending on the culture.  For instance, be cautious if giving flowers as a gift.  Different colors or types of flowers have various meanings depending on the culture;  some even symbolizing death.  What I found even more interesting (and not surprising) is that chocolates are the universal thank you.

My favorite part of Peggy’s presentation, (besides her calling wedding coordinators saints) was her showing how the principles of etiquette have changed over time.

In 1922: A bride-to-be could not accept apparel, a house, or a car from her fiancé. A wedding in the evening would never take place in New York. A sit-down breakfast reception was the norm. Southern weddings took place in the evenings (because the weather was typically cooler).

In 1980: Female guests should never wear white or black to a wedding. A woman who is re-marrying should never wear white. A bridal gift registry could only consist of crystal, silver, china, and linen – that’s all! The bridal party could only consist of men standing with the groom and women standing with the bride.

Now in 2009, we have honor attendants or even pets as participants in the bridal party.  It is acceptable for female guests to wear black; sometimes even the bridesmaids' dresses are black.  And bridal registries often consist of just about any household item, even camping gear and flat screen TVs.  Not to mention the option of having a honeymoon registry, or requests for charity donations in lieu of gifts.

I also found it interesting that the one rule of etiquette that has not changed in over 80 years is the sending of a hand written thank you note after receiving a gift.

How do you think the rules of etiquette will change over the next 20 years?  Will evites be acceptable as wedding invitations?  Will social or eco-responsibility be more of a rule instead of an option?

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Reminder: Peek Romance Photography Giveaway!

One week from today, we will be announcing  the winner of Peek Romance Photography giveaway!  Check out the post about the contest here: http://www.firstcoastweddings.com/wordpress/2009/11/were-back-with-prizes/

We've had some great entries but it's not too late!  Get your entry in soon.

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